Sunday, March 7, 2010

stamps and coins of india

stamps and coins of india

hi friends, if anybody interested i have following things extra

1. 80 east india cancellations cover

2. 600 covers of george 6th and 5th with slogans and stamps
3.50 registered covers of victoria, edward and george.
4. 600 green used enevelopes of victoria embossed.
5. mint stamp collection of independent india.
6.block of 4 few british stamps of george 6th.
7. few sheets of independent india mint.
8. old indian silver coins british, state, rare dates see following list
1. 1881 2nd flower rupee one xf and one very fine
2. 1881 1st flower rupee extra fine
3. 1938 bombay and calcutta mint rupee xf to almost unc
4. 1883,1874,1898 rupee fine condition
5. william quarter rupee 1835 three varieties
rs incuse with wrong legend very fine
rs incuse with right legend fine
f incuse in proof like condition blue toning.

6. 1840 2 annas 4 coins of continue and divided legend fine
7. 1840 quarter rupee 4 coins of continue and divided legend very fine
8. 1840 half rupee continue and divided legend 4 coins one almost unc.
9. 1945 big 5 bombay mint quarter rupee 3 pieces.
10. 1881 to 1900 xf to aunc various 2 annas.
11. 1874 to 1898 quarter rupees vf to xf.
12. half rupees and quarter rupees unc of 1940 to 1945 including L mint.
13. jodhpur state copper and silver coins including unpublished varieties
14.other rajputana states silver sets.
15. 1862 rupee 1/1, 1/2, 1/0 various varieties
16. 1884 rupee with b raised below
17. half anna mint condition of 1862.
18. 2 anna 1884, 1889 c incuse, 1862.
19. half pice 1886 to 1901 xf to au
20. half pice 1903 to 1910 fine to very fine.
21. 1911,1922 very fine condition.

9. old indian monograms, crested letters.
10. check out other items at

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